Par tuh mujme yuhi basa rahe sanam.....

12:20:00 PM

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Par tu ashiqe me yuhi basa rahe sanam
Shama jalti hai toh jalne doh

Par tu ashiqe me yuhi basa rahe sanam

Dhadkan thamti hai toh thamne doh

Baaheey basti hai toh basnee doh

Par tu ashiqe me yuhi basa rahe sanam

Akhiyoh seh bateh ho, toh hone doh

Sansoon meh kehar ho, toh hone doh

Par tu ashiqe me yuhi basa rahe sanam

Barish girti hai toh girnedoh

Anchal bhegta hai toh beghne doh

Par tuh mujme yuhi basa rahe sanam.....

Writer : Uknown
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